Please make sure you have the person or people's permission and that they are happy for their name(s) to be displayed on the list below. The names (first name only) will then be added to the list below as soon as possible for ABSENT HEALING.
Absent healing is healing sent by the power of thought and prayer. No claims to cures are made, but the power of prayer has been shown to have a positive and in some cases, miraculous effect on the recipient. The on-line healing book is available to anyone of any background, on the earth plane or in spirit. Pet/animal names are also welcome. We also ask, please, if you could spare a healing thought or prayer for the names on this list. If you're not sure what to pray for, then a simple request to ask that the outcome be for the highest good of all concerned leaves the healing in the capable hands of spirit. We are after all, merely the channels - spiritual healing comes through us - from spirit, through spirit, to spirit.
Many thanks and wishing you much love, light and healing xx